Many question the authenticity of a December 25th birthday for Yeshua (Jesus). In this class, I look at textual and traditional support for this long-established and beloved holiday.
Yeshua (Jesus) is at the Temple during Chanukah speaking of being “The Good Shepherd” Who is described in the Book of Ezekiel. Join this study and see how the Maccabean shepherds of Chanukah provide the perfect background for His declaration of the Divine Davidic Priest dwelling with and tending to His sheep!
When a week just isn’t enough to bask in the Presence of the Lord, He’s made an eighth day! Join me as we focus on Shemini Atzeret (Eighth Day), the beautiful conclusion and culmination of the fall feasts.
Happy Sukkot! Join me as we look into the Feast of Tabernacles and what this Feast of the Lord reveals about God’s plan of redemption!
This day and season declare our freedom and cleansing! God’s desire is for us to personally and, more significantly, corporately come into His presence, within the veil, and be cleansed! On this day we respond to our Lord’s call to a return to intimate contact with Him. The world we live in has been contaminated with the fruit of sin and on this day, we acknowledge our need for cleansing knowing that Yeshua’s (Jesus’) life and sacrifice has perfected us and sanctified us to a life fully surrendered to the will of the Father. The sacrifice of animals was a […]
In this victorious season of Jubilee, we memorialize the inauguration of creation. This time of sabbatical rest is one of release, renewal, remembrance, restoration, redemption, and resurrection. We celebrate a life free from debt, captivity, and death as the revelatory voice of The Lord breathes afresh upon dry bones; declaring the solemn, yet good news of the soon-coming King!
The Feast of Weeks/Pentecost/Shavuot/First Fruits?! This holiday is known by a few names however it celebrates the same truth: love set us free to be in a relationship with God! Through this teaching, we discover parallels between the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai and the giving of the Holy Spirit at Mount Zion. We see that our redemption from slavery – Passover – is intended to bring us to God Himself so that we might receive His Word and Spirit and be raised up to our special calling as lights to the nations.
Yeshua (Jesus) celebrated the Passover, died on the Tree as the Passover lambs were being offered, and then spent three days and three nights in the tomb – just as He said He would. In this class, we explore how the timing of all these events is possible. You might be surprised to discover that this week follows the Passover week the children of Israel were delivered from Egypt!
God desires to be with His creation no matter how many times we might turn from Him. This class is a detailed walk-through of God’s dwelling places. We also pose the question of whether there could there be a connection between Christmas and Chanukah that we haven’t considered before.